Nov 14, 2019
Health & lifestyle
Your source for the latest Allianz Malaysia articles on health & lifestyle

Taking care of your mental health: beyond medical insurance coverage
The topic of physical health and medical insurance is a serious topic that we deal with a lot here, but it’s also important to talk about mental health.

Aug 29, 2018
The unhealthy truth about your favourite breakfasts
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and there is even a saying that encourages us to “eat breakfast like a king”.

May 28, 2018
Healthy food and fasting this Ramadan
The holy month of Ramadan is a time of devotion and contemplation, as well as the strengthening of family and community ties.

Mar 07, 2018
The pregnancy files: what expecting moms need to know
Expecting a baby? Here's what you'll need to know! Pregnancy files must have supplements.

Mar 02, 2018
Period problems and what do they mean
If you're consistently having large blood clots slipping out, it could be a sign of uterine fibroids which you should be concerned about.

Feb 05, 2018
Are your favorite CNY foods healthy?
Here is a quick guide to what is in some of your favourite CNY foods and their potential health risks.

Jan 30, 2018
The quick and easy guide to stroke
Stroke is a medical emergency that affects the arteries supplying oxygen rich blood to the brain and can take place over minutes to hours.

Dec 13, 2017
The basic comprehensive breakdown on diabetes
Diabetes Mellitus is a health condition where a person's blood glucose (also known as blood sugar) levels are too high.

Nov 23, 2017
8 little things Malaysians do that are shortening our lives
Late night mamak sessions, sleeping in, and many other things we do seem like harmless everyday activities.

Nov 02, 2017
Unhealthy high conditions: high risk, high cost
If you have high blood pressure, your chance of getting a stroke is 50% higher.

Oct 20, 2017
The 3 important medical conditions that affect your personal finances
That being said, Allianz has a plan specially designed for those who suffer from high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and high body mass index.

Oct 05, 2017
Heart attacks and risk factors
Cardiovascular diseases have been the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in Malaysia for more than a decade.

Sep 18, 2017
Simple changes to keep blood pressure in check
Taking measures to control and reduce blood pressure can have a number of health advantages.

Sep 09, 2017
High blood pressure & alternative treatments
Read more on the several treatments people have used to treat and control their blood pressure levels.

Sep 06, 2017
Healthy eating habits your family should have
Different age groups have different dietary requirements.

Aug 22, 2017
5 steps to a fit & healthy family
Preparing healthy and appetizing meals can be a challenge, especially if you have children (or spouses!) who are picky eaters.

Aug 02, 2017
6 biggest health concerns for women
We look at some of the biggest health concerns that Malaysian women face, and strategies for prevention or risk reduction.

Jul 24, 2017
When should women start their health screenings?
Hypertension or hypotension can lead to cardiovascular diseases, strokes and kidney failure.

Jun 21, 2017
Keep an eye on your own health by making self-examinations a monthly routine.
20 releases in total