Service Charters

Learn more about our commitment to both our customers and partners
Our vision - "To be the most reliable partner, always delivering in moments of truth"  - drives our commitment to serve. As part of a world leading insurance group, we pride ourselves to work in partnership with you to provide insurance solutions from A-Z. At Allianz, you are our priority. We believe our success depends on exceeding the expectations of our customers every time.
We aim to be open, honest and easy to deal with. To ensure we are providing excellent service to our customers, Allianz Malaysia is committed to following these pillars that are the foundation of our Customer Service Charter:
Insurance made accessible
Know your customer
Timely, transparent and efficient service
Fair, timely and transparent claims settlement process 

We offer an active engagement model where you are made aware of:

  • Multi-channel options and accessibility for making purchases and enquiries.
  • Where and how to provide feedback, suggestions and complaints.

We will make insurance products easily accessible via various channels, physically and virtually to obtain information, make purchases or perform enquiries. You have access to the following:

The following channels are available to you if you have feedbacks and suggestions:

Or write to us at the following address, simply indicating whether the subject matter concerns Allianz General Insurance Company (Malaysia) Berhad or Allianz Life Insurance Malaysia Berhad:

Customer Service Center
Allianz Arena, Ground Floor, Block 2A, Plaza Sentral
Jalan Stesen Sentral 5, Kuala Lumpur Sentral
50470 Kuala Lumpur

We will conduct customer satisfaction feedback/surveys from time to time to ensure your needs are fulfilled.

  • Knowledgeable and ethical staffs are available to serve customers.
  • We ensure our employees and intermediaries are properly trained on products and services offered.
  • Training will be provided once a new product is launched and regular refresher courses shall be provided on existing products.
  • In order to understand your profile adequately, we shall:
    Listen attentively to you.
    Acknowledge and properly understand your needs and preferences.
    Ask for requisite information and documents to advise you accordingly and in accordance with the Industry’s Code of Practice on the Personal Data Protection 2010.
    Offer options of suitable products and services to meet your needs and wants.
  • Any options provided to you shall be explained and on an opt-in-basis e.g. riders as well as sharing / using your information for marketing and research purposes.

Our commitment and responsibilities are provided in our client charter that covers the following guiding principles:

  • A clear and concise objective of the Charter.
  • Mission.
  • Values to be provided to the customer e.g. fairness, transparency, integrity, ethics, professionalism and timeliness.
  • Efficient / effective communication channels.

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All enquiries

Turnaround time

Walk-in counter / Branch

You will be served within 10 minutes on your arrival at our customer service center.

Enquiries that do not require follow-up will be resolved during your visit. Enquiries that require follow-up will be resolved within 3 working days. Complex enquiries will be responded within 5 working days.


Your phone calls will be answered within 30 seconds.

Enquiries that do not require follow-up will be resolved during your first call. Enquiries that require follow-up will be resolved within 3 working days from the date of your first call. Complex enquiries will be responded within 5 working days.

Email / Social media

Your emails will be acknowledged within 24 hours.

Enquiries that do not require follow up will be resolved within 3 working days. For complex enquiries, emails will be responded within 5 working days from the date of receipt.


Enquiries will be replied within 3 working days from the date of receipt of non-complex enquiries. For complex enquiries, letters will be responded within 5 working days from the date of receipt.
  • We will inform you of each step and documentation required to alter, renew and surrender or cancel a policy e.g. what happens when there are changes to the policy, notice on renewal, etc. as well as the consequences arising from any of these actions.
  • Where applicable, you will be reminded in the renewal notice to inform us of any changes in the risk before the renewal. The standard operating procedures on dealings will be clearly complied with.
  • We will ensure efficient policy servicing and provide relevant documentation in a timely manner.

    Life and Health Insurance

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Policy servicing and relevant documentation

Turnaround time

Policy issuance

Standard cases – within 5 minutes to 2  working days.

Additional information required/pre-existing medical condition / complex cases – within 5 working days upon receipt of full documents.

Change of policy details (Endorsement)

    Policy changes (non-financial) – 2 working days upon receipt of complete documentation.

    Policy changes (financial, and including Reinstatement):

  • Standard cases – 5 working days upon receipt of complete documentation.
  • Non-standard cases – 10 working days upon receipt of complete documentation.

Cancellation / Surrender of policy

10 working days for standard cases upon receipt of full documents.

Issuance of medical / hospitalisation card for individuals

Digital card will be made available within the same business day of policy issuance.

Physical card – 2 working days.

    General Insurance

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Policy issuance (upon acceptance in the policy system) for new and existing customers

Turnaround time

Policy issuance (upon acceptance in the policy system) for new and existing customers


  • E-cover note by digital platforms – Immediately.
  • Non-digital platforms – within 5 working days.

(with the exception of new vehicles to be registered with JPJ)


  • Procurement via digital platforms – Immediately.
  • Non-digital platforms – within 10 working days, subject to full documentation and information as well as depending on the complexity.

(applicable for individuals only, not applicable to group)

Change of policy details/ reissuance upon lapse/ endorsement

    Motor – within 3 working days.

    Non-motor – within 5 working days.

    (upon acceptance in the policy system).

Renewal notice issuance

30 calendar days before expiry of existing policy.

Cancellation/ surrender of policy (including refund of premium)

    Motor – within 5 working days.

    Non-motor – within 7 working days.

    (upon acceptance in the policy system).

We endeavor to meet our commitment on the turnaround time but in any instance where we cannot fulfill them, we will inform you accordingly.

The following information shall be easily accessible and made available through the various channels of communication such as branches / brochures / call centers / social media / website:

  • Product related details i.e. product features, product disclosure sheets, terms and conditions, key facts and exclusions will be shared at the point of sale.
  • Fees, charges (other than premiums) and interest (if any) as well as obligations in the use of a product or service (e.g. when premium needs to be paid and explaining payment before cover warranty).
  • Anti-Fraud Statement:
    Allianz is committed to fraud control with an emphasis on proactive prevention, putting in place detection measures in its effort to reduce possibilities which could lead to fraud. Our approach to fraud control is focused on maintaining a legal and ethical climate which encourages all stakeholders to protect the Company’s assets and raise any suspicion of fraud. We believe in zero tolerance to fraud. Thus, when a fraud is detected, suspected or alleged, we are committed to fully investigate the matter. We adhere to the Allianz Standard for Customer Protection which emphasizes a risk-based, pre-emptive and proactive approach to business conduct to support the fair treatment of Customers which represent minimum standards for all employees and agents. In tandem with our zero tolerance for fraud, we have in place anti-fraud activities and consistently take appropriate actions towards addressing internal control violations and to remedy deficient controls.
  • Free Look Period* and our right to accept or reject applications.
    *For Life policies only. The Free Look Period starts from the date you receive the Policy Contract of your new policy. If you decide to cancel your new policy, you have 15 days from the date you first received the Policy Contract to do so. Please write to the company to confirm your intention to cancel the new policy.
  • Data Privacy:
    Allianz is committed to keeping your personal information confidential and secure. We will process your personal information in accordance with the Code of Practice on Personal Data Protection for the Insurance and Takaful Industries in Malaysia. We are also governed by our internal Allianz Privacy Standard that applies to the Allianz group of companies. Please refer to our Privacy Statement on our website for more information.

You can submit a formal complaint via the following channels:

Or write to us at the following address, simply indicating whether the subject matter concerns Allianz General Insurance Company (Malaysia) Berhad or Allianz Life Insurance Malaysia Berhad:

Head of Customer Service

Allianz Arena, Ground Floor, Block 2A, Plaza Sentral
Jalan Stesen Sentral 5, Kuala Lumpur Sentral
50470 Kuala Lumpur

We will perform verification on the policyholder and communicate clearly on the issue and the information gathering process for an informed resolution.

We will address the issue in an equitable, objective and timely manner by informing the complainants on our decisions no later than 14 calendar days from the date of the receipt of the complaints.

If the case is complicated or requires further investigation, we shall inform the complainant accordingly and update progress every 14 calendar days. If not resolved, to update within another 14 calendar days. Thereafter, after every 30 calendar days.

We will keep complainants updated if we are unable to address the issues within the stipulated timeframe.

You may submit your complaint to the Financial Markets Ombudsman Service (FMOS) if you are not satisfied with our final response or decision, and if your complaint is within the scope of the FMOS as well as monetary limit of RM250,000.

FMOS can be contacted at the following address:

Financial Markets Ombudsman Service
(Company No: 200401025885)
Level 14, Main Block, Menara Takaful Malaysia
No. 4 Jalan Sultan Sulaiman 
50000 Kuala Lumpur
Telephone: 03-2272-2811


If your complaint does not fall within the purview of FMOS, you may refer your complaint to Laman Informasi Nasihat dan Khidmat (LINK) of Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) at the following:

Mailing Address:
Bank Negara Malaysia
P.O. Box 10922
50929 Kuala Lumpur

4th Floor, Podium Bangunan AICB
No. 10, Jalan Dato' Onn
50480 Kuala Lumpur

Telephone: 1-300-88-5465
Overseas: +603-2174-1717
Fax: +603-2174-1515
Live Chat:
eLINK Form:

For physical visits, BNMLINK will receive visitors by appointment only. The public may request for an appointment through eLINK Form or by telephone. 

You may check with our Customer Feedback Center on the types of complaints handled by the OFS or BNM before submitting your complaint. For life insurance related complaints, please email For general insurance related complaints, please email
Customers will be informed of the estimated time taken for claims settlement process and expected service standard through various channels including branches, brochures, call centers, social media and website.
In the event of a catastrophe / disaster, large number of claims may be received. As such, meeting timelines stipulated may not be possible and we will strive to update you every 20 working days on the progress.
Below is the timeline taken to process claims:

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Types of claims

Turnaround time

Motor claims

We will acknowledge receipt of a claim within 24 hours.

All claims notifications must reach us within 7 working days from the date of loss, except for crime related claims which should be notified within 24 hours from the time of loss.

If documentation/information is incomplete, customers shall be informed within 3 working days from acknowledgement of the claim by the Claims department.

An adjuster will be appointed within 24 hours from claim registration.

We will approve claims within 3 working days upon receipt of the complete Adjuster’s report (where necessary) and claims documentation.

Customers will be updated on the progress / decision every 14 working days extending to once a month for older outstanding claims.

We shall make an offer for stolen vehicles within 60 working days from the claim notification date upon receipt of complete claims documentation.

We will issue payment within 3 working days upon receipt of acceptance.

Non-motor claims

We will acknowledge receipt of a claim within 24 hours.

All claim notifications must reach us as soon as possible, except for crime related claims which should be notified within 24 hours from time of loss.

Customers will be informed within 3 working days on incomplete documentation / information.

Customers will be updated every 14 days extending to once a month for older outstanding claims.

We will offer settlement within 7 working days after we receive the final adjuster’s report and / or full set of supportive documents.

Life claims

We will acknowledge receipt of a claim within 3 working days.

Customers will be informed within 14 working days on incomplete documentation / information.

Standard Personal Accident claims with complete claims documentation will be settled within 7 working days.

Standard Death, Total Permanent Disability and / or Critical Illness Claims with complete claim documentations will be settled within 10 working days.

Medical reimbursement claims

    We will acknowledge receipt of a claim within 2 working days.

    Customers will be informed within 14 working days on incomplete documentation / information.

    Standard claims with complete claims documentation will be settled within 7 working days.

    In the event of a catastrophe or disaster e.g. large number of claims may be received, as such meeting timelines stipulated may not be possible. We will strive to update every 20 working days on the progress.

    If you are not satisfied with our claims decision, you may submit your appeal in writing to our Customer Service Department:

Head of Customer Service
Allianz Arena, Ground Floor, Block 2A, Plaza Sentral
Jalan Stesen Sentral 5, Kuala Lumpur Sentral
50470 Kuala Lumpur


    We will inform you of the next level of escalation if the claims settlement/rejection is not to your satisfaction. You may submit your dispute to the Financial Markets Ombudsman Service (FMOS) if you are not satisfied with our final response or decision, and if your dispute is within the scope of the FMOS as well as monetary limit of RM250,000.

    FMOS can be contacted at the following address:

  1. Financial Markets Ombudsman Service
  2. (Company No: 200401025885)
  3. Level 14, Main Block, Menara Takaful Malaysia
  4. No. 4 Jalan Sultan Sulaiman 
  5. 50000 Kuala Lumpur
  6. Website:
  7. Telephone: 03-2272-2811

If the said matter does not fall within the purview of FMOS, you may refer your complaint to Laman Informasi Nasihat dan Khidmat (LINK) of Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) at the following:

Mailing Address:
Bank Negara Malaysia
P.O. Box 10922
50929 Kuala Lumpur

4th Floor, Podium Bangunan AICB
No. 10, Jalan Dato' Onn
50480 Kuala Lumpur

Telephone: 1-300-88-5465
Overseas: +603-2174-1717
Fax: +603-2174-1515
Live Chat:
eLINK Form:

For physical visits, BNMLINK will receive visitors by appointment only. The public may request for an appointment through eLINK Form or by telephone. 

You may check with our Customer Feedback Center on the types of complaints handled by the OFS or BNM before submitting your complaint. For life insurance related complaints, please email For general insurance related complaints, please email

The Chairman, The Board and Senior Management are committed to deliver good financial consumer outcomes to our customers. We believe in building long-term and mutually beneficial relationships with our customers. This Charter specifies our commitment to provide the highest standards of fairness in all our dealings with our customers.

  • We will set minimum standards on fair business practices in all dealings with our customers. This includes providing financial services or products suitable to our customers’ financial circumstances and preserving the confidentiality of our customers’ information.
  • We will train all staff attending to customers to provide quality advice and recommendation.
  • We will take customers’ feedback seriously and provide immediate constructive feedback to our staff.
  • We will ensure that the terms in our contracts or agreements are fair, transparent, and well communicated to customers.
  • We will ensure that terms and conditions set out the respective rights, liabilities and obligations clearly and as far as possible in plain language.
  • We will ensure that the terms and conditions in contracts or agreements are not altered without prior notification to customers.
  • We will provide customers with relevant and timely information in a product disclosure sheet.
  • We will disclose key product features, fees and charges, risks and benefits in a clear and concise manner.
  • We will ensure critical terms are brought to customers’ attention and explained to the customers.
  • We will conduct sales, advertising and marketing of our financial services and products with integrity and will not make false or exaggerated claims.
  • We will avoid or clearly disclose actual or potential conflicts of interest.
  • We will ensure staff remuneration takes into consideration whether key performance indicators relating to fair treatment of customers have been achieved.
  • We will provide clear, relevant and quality advice or recommendations based on adequate consideration of customers’ financial objectives, needs, circumstances, financial situation and risk appetite so that customers can make informed decisions;
  • We will ensure advice or recommendations are substantiated with a reasonable basis and in the best interest of customers; and
  • We will ensure that our customers’ data and privacy are safeguarded.
  • We will have in place proper and well documented complaints handling process and provide clear redress options should customers decide to further escalate their complaints;
  • We will ensure that our staff, representatives and agents are properly trained to handle and resolve complaints in an effective and timely manner; and
  • We will monitor and evaluate the nature and trend of complaints received through effective root cause analysis and thereafter take adequate measures to rectify weaknesses identified.
  • We will ensure that we assess the needs of vulnerable consumers in our customer base and target market and implement appropriate policies to meet these needs;
  • We will ensure that our staff, representatives and agents are well trained to recognise, assess and respond appropriately to the needs of vulnerable customers; and
  • We will have in place sufficient monitoring and evaluation mechanisms to ensure that our staff, representatives and agents are responding to the needs of vulnerable customers and make necessary improvements to ensure vulnerable consumers continue to receive fair and equitable treatment.
Bank Negara Malaysia, along with PIAM, LIAM and MTA, have formalised the Customer Service Charter for the Malaysian Insurance/Takaful Industry. Allianz Malaysia is committed to following these service standard, and to even exceed them when possible. There are 4 pillars to the insurance customer service charter and their exact contents can be found below.