E-Invoicing by Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia (IRBM) Updates

At Allianz Malaysia, we have implemented the e-Invoicing regime by Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia (“IRBM”) from 1 August 2024.

We are pleased to share Allianz Malaysia details as below for your e-Invoicing purposes:

Allianz Malaysia Berhad

Business Registration Number                 : 197201000819
TIN Number                                                    : C865150070
SST Registration Number                           : W10-1808-32001160
MSIC Code                                                      : 64200
Business Activity                                            : Activities of holding companies

Allianz Life Insurance Malaysia Berhad

Business Registration Number                  : 198301008983
TIN Number                                                     : C2894975070
SST Registration Number                            : E10-1808-32001096
MSIC Code                                                       : 65111
Business Activity                                             : Life Insurance

Allianz General Insurance Company (Malaysia) Berhad

Business Registration Number                   : 200601015674
TIN Number                                                     : C20101197020​
SST Registration Number                            : W10-1808-31006172​
MSIC Code                                                       : 65121​
Business Activity                                             : General Insurance

For you as our valued customer / partners, we kindly request that you provide us the following information to ensure that you will receive a copy of your e-invoice successfully and/or self-billed e-invoice which is required to be issued for insurance claims settlement payable to policyholders/ beneficiaries:


  Business Registration/Identification

  • MyKad NRIC (New)

  • My Tentera

  • Passport Number

  • Business Registration Number (BRN)


  Tax Identification Number (TIN)

  • Malaysia TIN with prefix, eg:

     • C – Companies

     • D – Partnerships

     • IG – Individuals or sole proprietor
       (Note: This was previously known as
       SG/OG before 2 January 2023)


  Sales and/or Service Tax (SST)

  Mandatory to be completed if you are a 
  Malaysian Sales and Service Tax (SST)


  Contact Number

  Mandatory for submission to IRBM for e-
  Invoicing purposes


  Mailing / Correspondence Address

  Mandatory to be completed if you are a
  Malaysian Sales and Service Tax (SST)

Please ensure the information provided is accurate as this information is essential for validation of e-invoices and/or self-billed e-invoices. Inaccurate or incomplete information may result in not meeting the validation requirements set out by IRBM and consequently non-receipt of e-invoice and/or self-billed e-invoices.

For further inquiries or assistance, please contact Allianz Customer Service via 1-300-22-5542 or email to customer.service@allianz.com.my , Monday to Friday from 9:00am to 6:00pm (excluding public holidays) or alternatively, you may contact your dedicated agent for further assistance.

The laws and guidelines governing e-Invoicing are as per the e-Invoice Guideline and e-Invoice Specific Guideline issued by IRBM and subject to revision by IRBM from time to time. For further info, please visit the IRB website at https://www.hasil.gov.my