Factors Driving The Increase In Medical Costs

Let's understand the core factors that drive medical inflation to help you plan ahead
Learn the factors that contribute to the rise in medical costs, and remember to review your medical insurance regularly to ensure adequate coverage

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Product Name Average Medical Inflation Rate p.a.2 Average increase in Utilisation Rate p.a.3 Average Increase in Medical Cost p.a.4 Cumulative Increase in Medical Cost5
Enhanced MediCover 0.1% 27.0% 27.1% 105.5%
MediCover -0.6% 25.3% 24.5% 93.1%
MediSafe Infinite/ MediSafe Infinite Xtra 2.0% 24.9% 27.5% 107.1%
Total Company Level6 2.2% 20.7% 23.3% 87.5%


1) Reference time-frame used for the computations: 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2024. Reference time-frame used for the computations: 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2024.

2) Refers to the increase of average claims cost per claim per annum where a negative inflation indicates a decrease in average claims cost per claim per annum from 1/1/2022 to 31/12/2024.

3) Refers to average rate of increase in number of claims per annum.

4) Refers to increase of medical cost per annum as the combined effect of medical inflation and increase in utilisation rate.

5) Refers to total increase in medical cost from 1/1/2022 to 31/12/2024.

6) Total company level represents the experience of all retail medical products as a whole. For products where the medical inflation and cost are not shown individually, total company level number should be referred to. This is due to the size of individual product portfolio that is not sufficient to provide credible metrics and hence subject to higher volatility.  Please refer to the following list for these products.                                              


Product Listing

Allianz Care Plus

Allianz Diabetic Essential

Allianz FlexMed Care

Alliance MedCare Plus


Enhanced Health Vantage

Enhanced Medishield

Allianz Retirement Health/ EB MediShield/ EB MediShield Plus/ MediFlex/ FlexiMed/ FlexiMed Plus/ iFlexiMed Plus

GHS Medishield

HealthGuard Plus

HSBC's HealthPlus - Medical

Health Partner

Health Vantage

Hospital & Surgical Rider

LION Health Rider





MediSafe Infinite+

MediSafe/MediSafe Xtra

Medical Edge

Critical Edge


Allianz FlexMed Choice
