JomPAY is a new payment solution initiated by Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) and developed by MyClear as a national payment initiative. With JomPAY, customers from the current 42 banks of Malaysia eventually can easily pay their payment includes Insurance Premium using their credit card or bank accounts. This service is made available on both internet banking and mobile banking.
Pay your policies premiums electronically at any time, anywhere with JomPAY. Learn more about this online payment service here
What is JomPAY
Why JomPAY
JomPAY provides convenience, fast, hassle free and zero cost to you.
You could pay anywhere and anytime as long as you have an access to internet
You could save your time from traveling and queuing up at our branches
Hassle free
You could set up automatic recurring payments at the same time every month
Zero cost
It is free of charge
Allianz Life’s biller code is 5017. You could find it in your premium due / reminder notice that has been send to you. Please note that ONLY policy number that met our validation rule is allowed to make premium payment via JomPAY.

No. It is free of charge!
Allianz Life will capture your premium payment via JomPAY on the next working day. An official receipt will be issued and sent to your mailing address.