The best free apps for managing your family life

Monitoring one’s pregnancy: What to expect
Android & iOS - Free
If you’re on your journey to expecting a new bundle of joy into your family, What to Expect is a handy, informative and comprehensive app which supplies new parents with a week-by-week development information of their pregnancy.
The app provides users with a personalised daily tracker that will show your week and day of pregnancy, a countdown to your due date, as well as a chart of your baby’s growth development, measured in fruit size!
Indeed, parenthood can often be a challenging time, especially for first-time parents. For those who are readying themselves to take on this beautiful role of motherhood (and fatherhood), the app also provides emotional support through personalised content such as pregnancy tips, guides to cultivating a healthy emotional wellbeing, as well as various news and stories from parents around the world.

Organising your family life: Cozi
Android & iOS - Free for ad-supported version, USD 4.99 per month for ad-free version
The one-stop app for managing your family life and activities, Cozi makes it a snap for keeping household finances on track, planning meals, remembering everyone's health status, keeping each other’s schedules, and other points of organisation.
The app provides a shared calendar that is colour coded for each family member. This means, you can see who’s going where and when. This is especially helpful for parents who need to keep track of their child’s extra-curricular activities, as well as planning each other’s duties such as picking up the kids to and from tuition or dance practice.
In addition to the calendar, Cozi provides a to-do list, a shopping list, and even a family journal that can include both text and photos, which is a great way to journal a family vacation or a weekend getaway. Best of all, the app lets you opt in each family member to receive a weekly email that lists the week's upcoming agenda, sort of like a personalised family newsletter to keep everyone updated on each other’s lives.

Tracking your family’s finances:
Android & iOS - Free

Preparing quick and healthy meals: Jamie’s 15 minute meals
Android & iOS - Free
Family meal times can be both fun but tedious. You may run out of ideas or find yourself spending too much time preparing a meal, even after a long day at work. Jamie’s 15 minute meals is ideal for those looking for fresh ideas to whip up quick and easy spreads for you and your family.
The app also allows you to grab and share ingredient lists which are effectively listed in a supermarket aisle-order. For health conscious users, Jamie’s 15 Minute Meals allows you to check out the nutritional value and calorie count of all the meals listed to ensure your family’s eating wisely.
From chicken dim sum, spicy stir-fry beef, to tuna and tomato pasta, the app’s recipe list is extensive and is perfect for families with busy schedules who are looking to cook up something simple, nutritious and delicious together.

Preparing fun and healthy lunch boxes for kids: Lala Lunchbox
Android & iOS - Free
Your child’s school-time meals are equally as important as breakfast, lunch and dinner. To curb them from indulging in unhealthy meals, and to help you come up with new ways to prepare your kid’s meal, Lala Lunchbox is a fun and interactive way for families to get together and plan their school lunch boxes.
How it works is simple. On the app, kids will create their own avatars and lunch boxes. They then create a customisable menu which incorporates a fruit, vegetable, protein and snack by dragging and dropping items into the various compartments of the virtual lunch box.
Every lunch box component is then automatically added into the ‘weekly grocery list’, so you will know exactly what you have to purchase. If you head over to Lala Lunchbox’s Instagram page, the feed also provides families with fun and delicious recipes and ideas on how to spruce up your child’s lunch box, making it cool to eat healthy again.

Fun way to allocate house chores to children: Chore Monster
Android & iOS - Free
Let’s face it. Children dislike house chores, and parents often find it difficult to get them to do their tasks readily and happily. Chore Monster takes that hassle from parents by helping them put the fun in chores.
Essentially, the app comes in two versions, one specifically for kids to use and one for parents. The adult version lets parents set up task lists, deadlines, rewards and points for completing specific tasks. Parents are also given the option to "accept" or "deny" a completion of a task to monitor how well their child has accomplished it.
When kids log in, they can see what needs to be done and what their rewards and points are for getting those items checked off. For them, the rewards can be compelling and exciting— you could think of buying them ice cream, a new toy, giving them more pocket money or even a nice holiday— and this could help motivate them to get their chores done well.